Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2018

RIP my love. 14 years of sleeping on my chest, bringing me mice and other presents, couldn’t stop her going out and getting hit by a car. Praying that she didn’t suffer.

Update on abandoned cat pet request

The widest loaf

This dude is going to be a heart breaker

Whoever abandoned this needs to do some explaining

Meatball was just like me... Kinda weird and loved a cold beverage. I had to put him down after 13 years, today. Catch you in the void, little guy... You were one of a kind.

Leonidas, investigating me in the bath tub. Conclusion: humans are nuts.

Apollo tucked himself into bed.

Meowbow 🌈