Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I taught my cat to give me his paw, this is how he begs for treats and anything with cheese in it.

Marvin post surgery high

This is Scruffy, being photogenic against his will.

My coworker holding one of the baby kittens at my workplace. Soooo tiny and adorable!

One of the kittens from my workplace. She got adopted!! Yay!

My pretty T-rah- from cute kitten to beautiful adult.

He never sits on me, and has been laying like this for a good 30 minutes. I think he's broken.

My kitty Cleocatra. I rescued her from freezing to death in a parking lot in 8°F weather as a kitten

This is Toby. Toby is an asshole. That's why we love him.

This is Smudge!

Went outside for the first time. Very scary. Cuddles required.

My foster kitten Sparrow, waiting for his bottle.

These pair don't usually get along but have united in their quest to pilfer my snack

My big boy Grisi taking a long nap

Accidentally woke them up haha