Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

My New Kitten, Trinket!

The cats I grew up with, Henry (foreground) and Blake. Miss you guys.

Two dudes I don't mind staring at me

Meet my girlfriends cat, Momo. He likes rubbing his face against edges of things, especially noses

Zeus is so handsome he's almost human

When you accidentally take a perfect closeup of your cat

When you get a big delivery

Goodnight sweet prince. You were too young to go. Please bolt down any loose heavy structures in your house. You're in a better place now Dino.

My girlfriend took this majestic picture of Fry

Like mother, like daughter

Our Cat Telemain Has Been Having an Existential Crisis While We've Been on Vacation. Sent by Our Roommate

She has the entire comfy bed, but she lays on my $5 backpack (or notepad, or box, or whatever). Why do cats do this?

My 10 year old tabby. Meet Gunny (aka Gunnery Sergeant Socks)

If I fits I sits