Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A cat named Fish. After 14 years I had to say goodbye yesterday. I'm sad beyond words, but also glad she isn't suffering anymore

She survived her surgery today despite her major heart murmur!

I slept in another half hour this morning so my cat could use my feet as his pillow for 30 more mins.

2 years later and finally grew into those eyebrows

Yin and yang

I was being spied on this morning 👀

Hola Reddit! Meet Linsy and Me' Shell

The term "No" does not seem to apply to this one!

She attacked a fly midair immediately after this picture was taken.

Sittin' like a people

Adopted this little ginger a bit over a week ago. It's amazing how close me and Omar have gotten already.

They mentioned he was too large to fit their kennels, so he made himself a home in the break room cabinets.

Mr.Blep had officially become Drogo the kitten 😻

Most handsome garden kitty ever. Meet Thor!

My little shitlord Fredo. I had him for thirteen years. Yesterday he crossed the rainbow bridge. I'll miss you, buddy.

Richmond is such a good boy

My little Smokey Joe had to be put to sleep this morning because of old age. He was my ham for 13 happy years.

I thought Bear was asleep in my lap so I tried to secretly snap a pic