Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The sand cat at the Salt Lake City zoo has two new kittens and good lord are they cute

Just found this sweet little kitten under a pine tree. Most likely was dumped there as he's not feral and well fed

I am cat, destroyer of boxes

Every kitty has a tiger's heart.

Pidge lost her brother a few months ago, and little Mercury was found alone in the woods at less than a month old. They seem happy to have found each other.

This is how we party!

I love her face so much

Ctrl+C Ctrl+V

Elizabeth has started sitting like a human in an attempt to get extra snuggles. It's working.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Princess Perry has been hit by a car and died on impact today. She was the first being to ever depent on me and I took care of her the best I could while she was with me.

Stop playing! I am here..

I posted a silly pic of my grandma's cat in a birdcage earlier and people thought she kept him in there. So here's non birdcage Spotzy.

Not pleased the paparazzi interrupted their private snuggle

This is my problem child, Carl. He's usually running around causing trouble, but he decided to be sweet for 2 minutes today :)

Formerly feral cat misses fast food

He’s mad he can’t get the Geese in the water. They are in constant conflict.

Bessie and her morning stretches

Lost my Best Friend of 17 years on Friday. I’m gonna miss her :(

Walked away for 1 second ....