Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Thursday, July 20, 2017

My rescue space cadet lost his battle with lymphoma last night. The universe was not kind to him for the first 8 years of his life, but I hope the last 2 he spent with me were some consolation.

I found him 3 months ago weighing 2lbs at 6 months old. Clearly he realizes he's hit the good life jackpot.


Tig's nightly rendition of flop,roll and yowl until the human pays appropriate tribute to kitty overlord.

Magoo- He's been called hideous but I thought he was the cutest guy ever. RIP.

Foster Paperweights

Snake shotguns deer

A deepdream generated from a black image, Its called "CLOCK"

My big beautiful, Cheeto. He just passed a few minutes ago. He was 15. My heart is so heavy but he lived an amazing life and he brought my family happiness.

On top of being a black cat, he lost both of his eyes. Nobody wanted to adopt this poor kitty. He has now found a loving home with us, and we spoil him to the extreme.

Sand in a bottle.

Beer Hoodie

Hand laser cutter for nuclear decommissioning

This bird has found the light