Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Happy Caturday!

Brienne is sleeping through Saturday morning cartoons

Our new Siamese kitten, Arthur, smiles when he sleeps.

My 15 year old little old lady looking majestic

Internet doesn't have enough kitty pictures

Window hogs didn't want to share, so I pulled up another chair. But the ginger jerk didn't want to share that either...

My awesome wife surprised me with all this on my birthday after MONTHS of bugging her to get a cat. I can finally start posting on here instead of lurking all the time!!!

Our system: he licks the cone and thinks he’s grooming himself while I brush him with a damp brush

For being a cat I found in a dumpster Mimi is rather charming

I have a new roommate who doesn't want cats on the counter. This is what my cat thinks of the new rule. (That's new roomie's lunch bag).

This is what I walk home to.

Sleeping in circles.

$200 and a cone later.

Jack is too excited about his new cat tree

Chloe says Hi Reddit!!!

My girlfriend recently lost her 7 year old cat to a very sudden and traumatic death, we think heart attack. Here's Kujo, the most annoyingly loud yet very loving Mama's boy. We'll miss you Kuji.

Manul stack

Reddit, meet Karen, our foster kitten.