Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Loving the new cat tree

http://ift.tt/1Wv602K via /r/cats http://ift.tt/1P1zyxj

It took me 8 months of diet and exercise. I'm down 140 pounds!

http://ift.tt/1TUGHUj via /r/funny http://ift.tt/1O2hMPF

My cat has a strange love of being upside down, she does this everywhere she can...

http://ift.tt/1Wv62Yu via /r/cats http://ift.tt/1P1zuh1

This sums up dogs perfectly

http://ift.tt/25xoLEs via /r/funny http://ift.tt/1TVmejt

My Father made this huge sign for his garage sale

http://ift.tt/1TUVNut via /r/funny http://ift.tt/25yj1hm

Pretty sure everyone has had a few white shirt guy moments in their life

http://ift.tt/1sYPpZi via /r/funny http://ift.tt/25wVSbH

10ft wall, you say?

http://ift.tt/25y2Wbg via /r/funny http://ift.tt/1Xc0YZM

100,000 volts of electricity running through ballistic gel

http://ift.tt/1UrUzoZ via /r/woahdude http://ift.tt/1O2kzbD

Just brought home a Munchkin kitten. Her name is Sofie

http://ift.tt/1Y134uh via /r/cats http://ift.tt/1sZ1ltZ

This may have blown my mind more than any other youtube video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfYbgdo8e-8 via /r/woahdude http://ift.tt/1UaBJjL