Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ok, that was better than I expected

http://ift.tt/22NgVoy via /r/woahdude http://ift.tt/1t6q8vQ

Don't fuck this up, WoahDuders

“The time is long overdue for us to take marijuana off the federal government’s list of outlawed drugs.”—Bernie SandersDon't fuck this up, WoahDuders.The purpose of this subreddit has always been to get stoned and look at trippy stuff on the internet. If you support the right to do that without going to prison, then do your part.Vote for Bernie Sanders, the candidate who supports the freedom to use WoahDude as intended.Bernie Sanders himself just made a Reddit post explaining how you can help.REMEMBER:Voter turnout is key! Many precincts have been won by 1-5 people. Several have even gone to coin tosses because of ties.A single vote can win a precinct, and a single precinct can win a state. Especially considering how close this race is. A small group of voters like YOU can determine the future of our country, and indeed the world.Clearly there is more to a candidate than their marijuana policy, and Sanders has his head on straight for many issues across the board. via /r/woahdude http://ift.tt/1OgwLoP


http://ift.tt/1U3QHe9 via /r/woahdude http://ift.tt/1XBzXPM

Seizing the opportunity

http://ift.tt/1Zvd4KN via /r/funny http://ift.tt/1PExwbV

Not sure what happened, but I have a slug cat now.

http://ift.tt/1VKrub2 via /r/cats http://ift.tt/1UxcTu5

Cutest brother and sister

http://ift.tt/1X8SaTL via /r/cats http://ift.tt/1Yd5Tsg

Parenting goals

http://ift.tt/1RJrllC via /r/funny http://ift.tt/1ZuZabQ

Carlos, 8 weeks

http://ift.tt/1ZvkYnq via /r/cats http://ift.tt/1rbOXF6

That's a bit harsh

http://ift.tt/28hITg9 via /r/funny http://ift.tt/24weDJQ

My dogs are dropping their first album.

http://ift.tt/1PEgXwN via /r/funny http://ift.tt/25KpQwm