Thursday, November 8, 2018

The brain of a two-day old sea urchin

What a transit of Earth and Moon across the Sun would look like

Tattoo artist with a prosthetic tattoo gun


I had a hard time choosing the right picture to capture the essence of his curiosity. This one nails it. Reddit, this is Asher, and he was saved from our county animal services.

Two best buds ๐Ÿ˜… one is 7 lbs and one is 170lbs. Weird but cute combo.

Maggie - my mother in law's cat, relaxing in one of her favourite spot.

Working with a shop cat is great... Especially when they force a cuddle break....

Marceline is like the sister I never had

This photo u/daveylovesMN took of Christmas ornaments looks like it has some kind of effect on it.