Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The detail on this painting

I know this is a cat sub but look at my magnificent plant!

Louis Wain's drawings of cats as his schizophrenia worsened.

Found this guy defending the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu the other day. Thought Reddit should know about it.

We recently adopted the loveliest rescue kitten. He was found all alone in an industrial area and taken to a vet but his mum and siblings couldn’t be located. He’s too little to come home yet (600gm) but the vet sends me updates like this every day. My daughter has already named him Simba.

It’s my favorite hobby, you slave

Here's a picture of our cat holding a picture of our cat holding a picture of our cat

Very Interesting Plant

This swimmer about to break the water’s surface tension

Wave Breaking in Hawaii