Saturday, January 12, 2019

I was really nervous about bringing a new kitten into the house since I have an older cat. But I just found them like this

Watch closely....

Hadn't seen the cat in a few hours... Found him sleeping in one of my daughters drawers. It was closed. He was annoyed that we woke him up. He passed away a few weeks ago (from old age, not from being in a drawer) Rip Sylvester, you sweet floof.

The way these 3 Korean men synchronize is beyond amazing

In loving memory of Travis: March 2000 - January 11th, 2019

Small kitty problems

My cat Snickers passed away today at the ripe old age of 18. She will be missed.

She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll invade your space

This is not a concert, it's a cotton field being harvested.

Lost in colours