Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Made the plunge and adopted a kitten... Reddit meet Oats!

Amphibious fish opening its eyes

When I was younger, I used to take my cat for “piggyback rides” around the garage after school. He loved it.

A different take of Van Gogh's Starry Night

Was taking a picture of my equipment for a presentation, kitty immediately sat in the circle.

Cleo is our Boat Cat! She lives with us aboard our 41 ft boat! Soon, she will have traveled the world with us :)

Update on yesterday’s rescue! She’s very affectionate and clean now!

My boy was feral, never quite tamed since we found him on death’s door at 5-9 wks, so he kinda just woke up domesticated one day and apparently still didn’t know how blankets operate. Noticed him shivering (his fur is super short)and put his blanket around him. I do believe he fell asleep sitting up

This guy surfing

Fractal factory