Monday, January 14, 2019

how deep does your kitchen go?

This bartender making a drink - wait till the final step

A couple weeks ago, I posted about my cat, Gizmo, having a stroke and the prognosis being poor. Well, he has been defying the odd and getting better every day. Aside from a small wobble in his walk, he is almost his old self again. (Sorry for the poor picture quality.)

Just did a small edit on the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Lookin' fresh

Just did a small edit on the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

This handsome boy was surrendered at my emergency clinic very sick and emaciated. Look what a difference a month made! He’s perfect.

One of my boys is fighting for his life at the vet, so I'm gonna post my other boy being a derp to take my mind off of it.

Only a cat could do that !!

Marry me 😍😘