Wednesday, January 16, 2019

He holds my finger when he eats! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

My son, Meatball. I tell him he’s handsome at least 10x a day

Happy update! A month ago, we gave this former stray a forever home after his last owner couldn't keep him. Since then, his food insecurity has improved, his bald patches are healing, and his goofball personality has been revealed. We couldn't love our snuggly button biting cheese thief more.

Not my video. Thought it belonged here!

When the revelations hit.

Kaleidoscope of colours.

The "Dolphin" spotted on Jupiter by NASA's Juno spacecraft during a flyby conducted on 29th October 2018

It is actually oddly unsettling

Simulation of genetic variations among tigers

Three great paintings in one.