Sunday, February 10, 2019

Dolly, Eight months old already

Purpose blossom street, Sydney

Jeffy crossed the rainbow bridge two days ago after 8 years of being the sweetest little street rescue derp. She's stealing God's rotisserie chicken now.

I know getting another cat when your cat dies isn’t always the best way to handle it. But when my baby Squeak died in April, I took in another motherless baby cat, and hand-fed him just like I did Squeak. Reddit, meet Loki.

Our newest family member! He was found as a stray by himself. He’s so dang cute!

Coat on Acid!

Lost the orange and white guy, Pumpkin, about a year ago. Rosie and I are missing him a little extra today.

Reverse fireworks

Recently lost my cat Bert to the big C. Didn't think that I'd get another cutie so soon. Reddit, say hello to Looshkin.

Liquid piggy