Monday, March 27, 2017

My handsome Willis

We get it you va... holy shit

Lil Sushi kitty nose 😍 he kisses me when I touch it. I like having my first kitty (crosspost with r/aww)

A father bottle feeding his baby

Lost a family member yesterday

Your offering pleases me tiny human

The biggest hoax of all time


My 4 year old was so proud of the lunch he packed for me

Steady flow of lava pouring into the ocean

October the Cat!!!

Come home from work, get greeted with a head boop and a lil bit of teefies.

What a Punch

Superheroes suck at jumping

Man vs. Gate

I found a 'lost' cat with an interesting tag on his collar.

We called him shadow

He was a tiny stray that I took in because the area is full of coyotes. Look how handsome he is!

As long as we are clear on the payment options...


A monster truck doing a front flip.

World's fastest zip line


Skynet's most terrifying creation

[Epilepsy] Total woahs

The tub plug is Rex's calling card for I want a nice fresh drink of water from the shower.

Our new kitten, Scout

We lost one in our cat family last month, I'll always cherish this picture of them together!

The look Bing gives me when he wants cuddles.

Cat logic.

Sup guys

Mathematics, software, and talent

This perforated line is the longest running lie in my life.

Shaken, Not purred.

Jimmy Fallon ....

Stabilized ride

Sunday, March 26, 2017

My Grandpa told me he got my Dad a birthday "gift certificate", he was so pleased with himself.

This illusion blew my mind

Whoa Dude

A riveting tale of the life of a fledgling Northern Goshawk.

TIL owls start to melt when exposed to direct sunlight

Roses are red, silk came from China

Painting over a clear wax pattern

Dog Tricks People Into Playing Fetch

It's always in the last place you look.

I know some parents say "I'm your number one fan" but damn 👏🏾

Years ago, my uncle was a wedding videographer. He got 2nd place on an episode of AFV with this video.

An old picture of my cat being cute

This hour glass goes up.

What do you want to be when you grow up?