Saturday, September 23, 2017

For being a cat I found in a dumpster Mimi is rather charming

You've been warned.

Wana live in space?


I have a new roommate who doesn't want cats on the counter. This is what my cat thinks of the new rule. (That's new roomie's lunch bag).

Reddit in a nutshell.

This is what I walk home to.

Who said cigarettes kill?

When he took his girlfriend to the game)


Sleeping in circles.

Rob the store but I don't know what to take,I choose to broke the glass then run

Drinking Buddies

$200 and a cone later.

See it get caught on chain ..

this creature's entire head is its mouth

Jack is too excited about his new cat tree

Cause and effect

Top post on all reminded me of the time my husband's phone connected to my car while I was following him

Angela Kinsey retweeted this terrifying faceswap

"Bill Nye just walked into our elevator whilst I was snapchatting"

Chloe says Hi Reddit!!!

Lemme just check my horoscope

Official /r/woahdude multireddit

My girlfriend recently lost her 7 year old cat to a very sudden and traumatic death, we think heart attack. Here's Kujo, the most annoyingly loud yet very loving Mama's boy. We'll miss you Kuji.

When customizing your car is a serious error.

Saudi Arabia accidentally prints textbook showing Yoda sitting next to the king

My old front porch floor lasted 97 years. By my calculations, this prank may not pay off until 2114.

Manul stack

Reddit, meet Karen, our foster kitten.

When the blacksmith has no more work to do

This is makeup

Yelling at me because I wasn't paying enough attention to her.

Strange fungus

Birthday Card Surprise

Friday, September 22, 2017

When you misjudge the couch

Not today you furry oaf!

Sinkhole in a swamp


Can't trust anyone these days...

Aziz is smooth

Neon Cloth

Andy Dwyer...gotta love him

Illusion Art

Mingo the Demon Catloaf would like your soul

Cover me, I'm reloading!

Who Wore It Better?

A perfectly flat floor

Jogging IS the worst!

The best proof of the flat earth so far