Tuesday, November 21, 2017

I really hope they let us choose this......

I’ve had dreams like this.

Our lab puppy got into the food bag last night. $250 later, I️ have this keepsake of his gluttony. No organs - just kibble.

Adding cream to black tea

Net neutrality is coming to an end next month I beg of you to stand up and fight back against the FCC make them know we will not stand for this! Even a simple tweet or post about to raise awareness and it truly helps

There are two types of teachers. Guess which of them I had? :')

So I ordered a burrito "to go" with no olives. This was on top of the box.

Steve, adding some positivity to my day.

Thought this was a cool picture of my cat Kiddo

Oh I'm sorry, were you sitting here?