Friday, May 26, 2017

Man Spends 36 Years Carving Into Mountainside To Bring Water To His Village

This dog...

Asti and her old eyes

Mika got caught drinking from a water glass that he knew was not for him 👅

Eat your vegetables

When a stuffed toy cat is bigger than your kitten

She's chubby, she's grumpy, and she bites, but she is ours. Reddit meet Polly.

My baby turned 1 today!

Eyes Ball

The Simpsons gets it.

Blazing Saddles

Disney cartoons are getting fucking DARK

Smoke Dude

Trying to enhance his life while being a responsible pet owner. It's something!

Human-powered helicopter

Smoke man

Canadian hockey fans celebrate in the streets, till the light turns green

Lord of the Rings in 2017

All cats are aligned and calibrated

Why do I even bother?

Adding googly eyes to falconry hoods makes them 100% better

Magnets aligning

Buddha Carved Out of a Mountain

Dog seems to be malfunctioning

I have indoor cats so I built them a tree to climb

This is why I love The Simpsons.

That's the cat door on his head

Japanese, my favorite kind of people.

Steve Martin on why he does stand up

Long Exposure Photo of a Firework Launching

I think my cat is broken...


You have not unlocked this area

My husband and I recently got a new bed. I think the cat approves.


Murdermitts wants cake.

My cat when I take away her dead birds and decapitated lizards she brings to me.

Life is hard when you're only 4 weeks old

Stay kitten found in our car.

Hi /r/cats! We're happy to tell you that Jackson Galaxy, the star of "My Cat From Hell" on Animal Planet, will be joining us for an AMA on June 1st starting at Noon Pacific/3PM Eastern Time!

The Original

A Google employee quits his job to work for Bing, and his coworkers get him a cake.

Our older cat finally accepted our peanut!

The South Pole of Jupiter - beautiful, blue, and violent. The ovals are massive, 600 mile cyclones.

My nightly fridge raids have not gone unnoticed. I'm also only 33.

This is my big handsome boy Frank, I'm attending school away from him and I miss him very badly.

He had the whole bed to sleep on…

The cars just keep going

A special family photo with my two sons