Sunday, November 19, 2017

Picture of 100 sunsets stacked on top of each other

Ditto you little

My baby cat, Jones, likes to sit on the toilet seat while I’m having a bath.

Last night I came home from work to be greeted by this little girl. Meet Donut!

Oxy-Acetylene Detonating Cord

Wake up to this every morning.

It was only a matter of time!

Canadian bathroom door


Because chemtrails...

More chin scritches pls

I want to create a religion. Haven't quite figured out the dogmas (or catmas?) yet but our religious headwear would be a housecat (so we're allowed to take it literally everywhere). Who's in?

So... it was you

Easily the biggest lie of my childhood

Perfectly timed photo of a wave

Captured them mid-fight

Density in perspective

Always innovate

When you miss a little step

His sweater is LIT

Adopted this sweet girl two weeks ago and she likes sleeping on my shoulder, this is Lilly

The dangling sleeves on this T-Rex Christmas sweater

Contraluz Opal. Hope this fits in with the sub, I’m kinda new here but I think it’s got the trippy factor. Stolen from r/interestingasfuck

Art is anal cheese.

Get ready to be tripped out

There are perks being a baddie.

Density put in perspective

Soccer Players with VR

Mother Nature painted flowers on this oak leaf.

Introducing the newest member of our family, Louie!

Charlie is a little too shy to go on walks, but he loves sitting on the back porch and sniffing the cool air.

Got my first kitty, Cake, today. I guess this is my life now.

This is Chao. He died in my arms. He was 15 years old and stopped eating. I fed him by hand but took him to the vet because he was dehydrated. The vet called and we went to pick him up. He was so happy to see us. On the way home, he died in my arms. He was just waiting for us to say goodbye.

I miss the reign....

Grandma tried to record the halftime show.

This is Pearl, my roommate wanted a cat and she eventually just became my cat instead of his. I never thought I would be a cat person until I got this fur baby

I'd like to nominate 2017's (s)mugshot of the year award to...

I think Netflix glitched.

the dog is already dead, please don't break my window =)

This is my kitty, Gizmo. I got her last week! She's 8 weeks old and wanted to say hi :D

Jeff Goldblum rates tattoos of Jeff Goldblum

Animated Hexagons

We're all dead.

Ghost Rider is a train engineer

The way the road separates the color of the trees

4:56 am. The Breakfast Club.

Reddit, this is Josie. We adopted her today from a local shelter. It's our first cat ever!

Skull Face

thought i’d share this drawing i did i couple years ago

My son's note from his "Take Your Kid to Work day" observations.