Friday, December 29, 2017

My cat's preferred snuggling method is constant aggressive head-nuzzling

My friend’s cats are both curly-eared polydactyls

Bouncing bullseye

This robot playing with itself.

Sansa feeling comfy

“Hi, I’m Prince. Can we be fwiends?

My cat stands on his tail because he finds it an annoyance

Today, I lost my sweetest friend. We only got to spend six years together, but it was worth every moment. Here she is, playful as always, disapproving of her mini-me. I'll love you always, little one.

This is what I wake up to most mornings

This would be a Question for ages...

The never-ending sleep struggle

This is not funny at this point. Couple of days ago I posted about 2 and now there's a black one wtf. My dogs don't even bark at them. It's so rare to see stary cats in the suburbs in Sydney but tf is this lol. I can take care of them but what if they bring more? And they all sleep on flower pots .

Sir Nibbler judging me in the bathroom

Somali Pirates VS Ship's Private Security Guards

Imagining myself in this situation...

Last night my cat, "Cat" was knocked down and killed by a car. I just want to post a picture of him to have forever.

So I teach English abroad and this was my student's phonics book.


What the hell, Frank?

Just Bill Murray Things...

I miss these guys

Rolling the dice

I'll never see Jack White the same way again

Angus still poses for great pictures. He lost his left eye in 2013 and is blind in his right. Still my best buddy.

Mold time lapse

My grandma made this Chewbacca bath mat because she knows I like Star Wars

Cold day in Toronto, ON. Found this frozen starbucks cup on a sidewalk.

Months of building trust with this feral floof has paid off. He’s a keeper.

I was very adamant about not wanting a kitten but I'm pretty happy he forced himself into my life anyway.

Cup Noodles doesn’t react to the nonsense

I found him in the middle of Missouri!

I'll have 1 alcohol please!

My girlfriend had a new app update

Things change as you get older

My whole life has been a lie!

I have a new cat, Chester. 4 months old!

The way this man writes with paint

We are in the future.

Reasons I update software

Why does this always happen to me?

Thursday, December 28, 2017